Students interested in applying for ICSB’s Ballet Institute program may do so by completing and submitting our Video Audition Application. All applicants will be asked to prepare and upload an audition video that will accurately showcase the applicant’s present technical capabilities. For detailed information on how to construct your video submission, applicants can find them listed below under Video Submission Guidelines.


  1. Register online by filling out the BI Registration E-Form. Make sure to include your YouTube or Vimeo Video Audition link with your registration by typing in the URL within the correct form field of your Registration E-Form.

  2. Email Two (2) recent dance photos to*: (Photos may not be more than 1 month old from time of application submission)

    • 1st Arabesque (En Pointe for Females)

    • Tendu a la seconde (Bare Feet)

*Applicant’s registration will not be be considered complete without Dance Photos and Audition Video link.

Video Audition Instructions

Applicants must upload their video file to an online video-sharing platform site such as YouTube or Vimeo. Applicants must make sure to check their video privacy settings to make sure the video is listed as “Public” or “Unlisted.” 

Video Submission Guidelines

  • Video submissions should be approximately 10-15 minutes in length.

  • Video must be titled as follows: ICSB Ballet Institute Video Audition - [Applicant’s Full Name] - [Applicant’s Age]

  • Video Resolution Requirements: 720p or 1080p High Definition (HD)

  • Videos do not need to be professionally filmed, but should show the student's full body clearly at all times.

  • The ballet barre should be positioned at an angle for the Barre portion of the video.

  • Videos can be filmed in a dance studio or at home in a spacious well-lit area. If recording your audition video within a dance studio is not possible, please do what is possible within your home space.

  1. Audition Dress Code:

  • Female Applicants - Black leotard, full-length pink tights, ballet slippers, pointe shoes

  • Male Applicants - White T-Shirt, full-length black tights, ballet slippers

  1. Video Content:

Video should demonstrate Barre and Center exercises (One Side Only):

  • PART I - Barre Combinations: Plie, Tendu, Jete, Rond de Jambe, Fondu/Adagio, Grand Battements

  • PART II - Center Combinations: Adagio, Tendu, Pirouette, Petit Allegro, Medium Allegro, Grand Allegro with Turn Diagonal, Tour en l’air for men, Pointe combination for women.

  • Classical Variation: If desired.


The International City School of Ballet admits students of any race, color, sexual orientation, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of any of the aforementioned qualities or characteristics in its recruitment and admission of students, educational policies, scholarship programs, and the operation of any of its school-administered programs.